My sweet Mathias. He has turned a corner since he was evaluated by the Pediatric Neurologist. I came home and laid hands of Mathias. I had Micah put his hand on him too -- and we prayed. with tears. I asked, begged, God to heal Mathias.
It couldn't have been more than a day or two later, Mathias was following objects, and following us around with his eyes. He was smiling and lifting his head and rolling from his side to his back.
I was still upset. I didn't believe God was (or would) really heal him. He was making improvements but... he must just be delayed.
There were moments that I would sit in Mathias' room and watch him, looking for signs of hope. One night, during one of these scenes, John came in to sit with me. I looked down and noticed Mathias grabbing his blanket. He was grabbing! I began to cry. John was puzzled. Wasn't that a good thing?
I still can't say that there is nothing wrong with Mathias. Maybe he's just delayed and he turned a corner developmentally on his own. The timing of our prayers was a coincidence. No, I believe. I believe God has healed Mathias. To what extent, I don't know.
But God has answered our prayer. Even when I am faithless, God is faithful! :)
Every good and perfect gift is from God!
Look at that face! What a GIFT!
Aww Lynn, I am praying for little Mathias! And, for you. Being a Mama is tough. And trusting the Lord with our little treasures seems so hard, even though we know God is good, and loves them infinitely more than we do. Your words are so deep with unabashed emotion and realness, that it gives me chills. I am praying for God's grace and protection to wash over your family.
Amen and Amen!!!! He is soooo truly faithful fear not my sweet cousin he cares so much!!! Love you guys!
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