Saturday, April 19, 2008

A rainy weekend...

What can you do on a rainy weekend but take some pictures... The little girl is Micah's "best friend," Sadie. What a lucky little dude...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where you are, joy beacons...

There is nothing better, in this whole world, than being a parent. I am floored by the GRACE that God has shown to me in making me a mommy to these precious boys.

Winter -- outdoors

Daddy can make all things more fun -- even the COLD!

Winter -- indoors

When it's so cold outdoors, we have quite a lot of time to amuse ourselves indoors. These are more recent pictures of Malachi and Micah too. See, once Malachi put on more pounds, he got a lot cuter!

We LOVE when Daddy's home

So, when I say "O'Brien boys," I'm sort of also including John. :) Nothing takes you back to childhood like having children. So, here are the three amigos, the three stooges, the triple threat... whatever you call them, they're loads of fun!

Our house

For those who haven't been to visit us yet -- here is a picture of our house in Rochester, Minnesota. Yes, it is very, very cold here in the winter.... and the fall... and most of the spring too.

The arrival

This is a little late, but here are some hospital pictures of when Malachi was born. What a joyful day!! Funny looking baby, though. It's okay, we know it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A little embarassed to be here

I never thought I would be a blogger. I thought I was too humble for such things! :) But it is a great way to brag about your little ones. So, here I am, starting the O'Brien boys blog. But I still feel like "blogging" is just a euphamism for "bragging". It's just a modern way to do what moms have been doing for centuries... So much for humility -- I LOVE my children! God has been so good, all Glory be to Him! "Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no shadow of turning." James 1:17