Saturday, March 27, 2010

For heaven's sake, learn the rest of the song!

Micah is getting better at writing his name!
(The top one is my handwriting... Hey, I'm getting better too!)

Those are my handsome boys!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wishing things would never change

I love love love being home with my boys. Little art projects -- sliced apples and car tracks with finger paint. Making snow castles. Time to wrestle and laugh. Teaching my son to read. Discipline that leads to cuddles and kisses. Watching my boys really enjoy eachother.

Mathias loves his brothers. He watches them intently. And the boys love to make him smile and he's just starting to laugh. Malachi's specialty is giving Mathias zerbets on his bare tummy. And Micah hands him toys and talks to him saying, "It's me, Micah!"

I wish things would never change. I love this stage. I don't know if this is contentment or if I just fear losing these simple things when the boys grow up.

Either way, I'm trying to be as thankful as I can for every day -- take as many pictures and videos as I can and journal (blog) as often as I can too.

Can you bottle up a rainbow to enjoy later? I'm giving it my best effort.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Here comes the Sun...

It was a warm day. The boys were clearing snow off the deck. Our back deck was especially warm with the sun beating down on it. I promise, Malachi was never cold. He didn't want to come in!

My sweet Mathias. He has turned a corner since he was evaluated by the Pediatric Neurologist. I came home and laid hands of Mathias. I had Micah put his hand on him too -- and we prayed. with tears. I asked, begged, God to heal Mathias.

It couldn't have been more than a day or two later, Mathias was following objects, and following us around with his eyes. He was smiling and lifting his head and rolling from his side to his back.

I was still upset. I didn't believe God was (or would) really heal him. He was making improvements but... he must just be delayed.

There were moments that I would sit in Mathias' room and watch him, looking for signs of hope. One night, during one of these scenes, John came in to sit with me. I looked down and noticed Mathias grabbing his blanket. He was grabbing! I began to cry. John was puzzled. Wasn't that a good thing?

I still can't say that there is nothing wrong with Mathias. Maybe he's just delayed and he turned a corner developmentally on his own. The timing of our prayers was a coincidence. No, I believe. I believe God has healed Mathias. To what extent, I don't know.

But God has answered our prayer. Even when I am faithless, God is faithful! :)

Every good and perfect gift is from God!
Look at that face! What a GIFT!