Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When home feels like heaven...

Being with my family is the thing that really grips me. It is here that I say, this feels so right. I feel like I was made for this... hungry to experience such richness. I don't deserve it. I just know it is here. love is here. Today, I laid with my 3-year as he fell asleep at nap time. My eyes were closed and I was listening to the ice hit the window. Although I thought he was asleep, my son gently leaned over to me, kissed my nose and whispered, "I love you mommy."
The love in this family is from God. we just pass it around in kisses and sweet whispers... it is a piece of heaven.

In these pictures: we made cut-out cookies (practicing for Christmas) for the first time together. Malachi got ahold of a spoon and was whacking my foot while we waited for them to cook. When I winced, he promptly kissed my foot. :) Micah is the silly one. He has to be making a face, or making us laugh, or making his brother squeal with delight. His heart is so big. And Malachi. Can a one year old be cool? Well, he's made a case for it. His hair even grows cool. Must have got that one from his daddy. :)