Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Friends for Christmas

We have been blessed to have such wonderful wonderful neighbors who have not only become friends, but have become like family too. We had them over for a Christmas meal and to exchange gifts... It was like an early Christmas for us.

I'm quite frequently amazed at how good God is to us through the people He's placed around us. Without my family close-by, it has meant so much to have people embrace our family the way the Halls have.

Malachi said, "take a picture of me, mom." And then he posed like this. *sigh*

This is Abby, modeling the skirt we got her. :D

Micah and Jackson. friends.

Mathias, welcoming our friends with his sweetness.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

We've gotten something like 36 inches of snow just in December, here in Rochester. It's crazy. But the boys have enjoyed it very, very much.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The O'Brien Boys

This is the state you would find each boy in, at any given time of the day. :) I love it.

Mathias is musical

Mathias sings to the music in the car and bounces to the music in the kitchen and when we sing to him. We might have a little musician on our hands!! :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mathias is a Miracle

Happy first Birthday, Mathias! You are adored. It helps that you are adorable.

Malachi's Pre-school Christmas Program

Malachi's 2 1/2 year old class at Kingdom Kids Pre-school. So much cuteness all scrunched up onto one stage. Malachi is hard to miss. He's the giant who is clearly thrilled to be in front of all these people.

I love this video because Malachi does the motions, sometimes, with his fingers. He looks so stiff and so CUTE!!! ugh.

I apologize for the shaky footage... but watch for Malachi's wave. :) priceless.

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving weekend... Uncle Thomas came for a visit! The boys felt the need to .... what else ... play football. And show love to Uncle Thomas the boy way... sit on him.

We spent Thanksgiving at Grandpa Dennis' and Grandma Barb's! Auntie Anna and Uncle Paul were there too!! We celebrated Christmas with them... the boys were s.p.o.i.l.e.d.
But isn't that what being at the grandparents' house all about?

They rode on the John Deere gator with grandpa and played in the "man cave" - I have no idea what happens in there... and I guess I'm not allowed to know.... seeing as I'm not a man.

They had a birthday (icecream) cake to celebrat John's birthday; John took the boys swimming; they stayed up late; grandma gave them the most delicious food; auntie anna made them cookies; and they got to play hide and seek and 'hut'ball with grandpa. so fun!