Monday, June 28, 2010

Micah's world

Micah had to take a picture of his pictures on the blog. Journalist? maybe.

Micah's view-point.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Micah, the photographer

Micah chose to buy a camera with his birthday money. He loves it. He takes it everywhere and has been chronicalling our weekend thus far. Walmart, cleaning the pool, lunch, and more! He took every one of these.... and about 50 more! Expect more updates from Micah.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Micah is FIVE!!!?

Happy Birthday to Micah!!
(we only had three candles. he actually turned five. po' man's b-day party.)

Marble set for his birthday! Fun with Sadie and Jen.

In the car together... where could we be headed???

House of Bounce for Birthday fun!!!!

Some pool fun too!!

At age 5, Micah is now allowed to chew gum. When he put his first piece of "Sugarless Bubblegum" in his mouth, I asked him how it was. This was his response:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mathias' first meal!

He starts out excited! (sort of)

And he checks with Daddy to make sure this is okay...

And he has a suspicion that Mom doesn't know what she's doing.

and Micah sees the camera and gets into character...

Mathias works hard to dutifully shovel the food out faster than Mom can scoop it back in...

We're working on it.


We LOVE to play outside!!! For Micah's birthday, Grandma Sudi and Grandpa Robert joined with us to buy the boys a new pool! They love it!! But we do still enjoy the little kiddie pool too! And I'm thankful that Mathias is adjusting well to our outdoor summer life. Honestly, my favorite part of summer is my boys' personalities. It happens to be my favorite part of winter, spring, and fall as well. :) :)