Monday, January 25, 2010

What a beautiful storm...

We had a beautiful ice storm last week. Everything was white and slippery. Philippians says "whatever things are lovely.... think upon such things." Although it is a Minnesota winter, God's beauty is here.... even in the "ugh, are you kidding me?"

Some discounted fun

John bought the boys an Air Hockey table for 50% off and we set it up in their toy room. John and I might be having just as much fun with it as they are!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mathias is getting bigger!

Mathias is 6 weeks old! He's really getting a lot bigger. He's in 3-6 month jammies already. He's an O'Brien alright!

The boys STILL love their brother and love to help with him too. And, praise God, they are patient when Mathias needs something. Here are some pictures of them helping giving Mathias a bath.

Also, a picture of Micah making Mathias a "crib" out of a laundry basket and a blanket.

And, a picture of Malachi's lovey bear, Sam. Malachi laid him next to Mathias while he slept.... to keep him company, or take a nap with him... Malachi says that Mathias is my baby and Sam is his baby. :) awww....

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I LOVE my boys.

Some family time

Love the pics of Uncle Thomas with the kiddos. He's a great uncle - always getting on the floor and letting the kids crawl on him, playing catch, reading books, playing with their tool set - whatever. They are enriched by the time together and I am thankful to him for pouring into their lives.