It was a warm day. The boys were clearing snow off the deck. Our back deck was especially warm with the sun beating down on it. I promise, Malachi was never cold. He didn't want to come in!

My sweet Mathias. He has turned a corner since he was evaluated by the Pediatric Neurologist. I came home and laid hands of Mathias. I had Micah put his hand on him too -- and we prayed. with tears. I asked, begged, God to heal Mathias.
It couldn't have been more than a day or two later, Mathias was following objects, and following us around with his eyes. He was smiling and lifting his head and rolling from his side to his back.
I was still upset. I didn't believe God was (or would) really heal him. He was making improvements but... he must just be delayed.
There were moments that I would sit in Mathias' room and watch him, looking for signs of hope. One night, during one of these scenes, John came in to sit with me. I looked down and noticed Mathias grabbing his blanket. He was grabbing! I began to cry. John was puzzled. Wasn't that a good thing?
I still can't say that there is nothing wrong with Mathias. Maybe he's just delayed and he turned a corner developmentally on his own. The timing of our prayers was a coincidence. No, I believe. I believe God has healed Mathias. To what extent, I don't know.
But God has answered our prayer. Even when I am faithless, God is faithful! :)

Every good and perfect gift is from God! Look at that face! What a GIFT!