Welcome to the family, Baby Moses!
We got to visit my brother-in-law's new baby boy last Friday. He was born in style -- on Labor Day. It was fun to see the perfect newborn, but the boys had the most fun playing with cousin Alana.
Malachi kept coming over to me with a big smile and giving me happy hugs. He's never done this before. There is nothing that my boys like better than being with family. Of course, Grandma was there, which added to the excitement... and uncle Mat and aunt Kristie.
As a kid, nothing ever compared to the holidays with my family. The house would buzz as we played games, shared stories, enhaled some hot food, and enjoyed just being together. No dance, vacation, sleep-over, toy, or school day ever ever compared to this. I want for this for my children. I long for it still as an adult.
There is something about brothers and sisters - aunts and uncles - cousins and grandparents -- coming together, to just be. together.
This is close to heaven for me. Something so deep and rich that just showing up at the same place unleashes a gut-joy. I realized how raw and undeniable this is as my two-year-old "thanked" me with his third and fourth hug for bringing him to this piece of heaven.
I hope that we get to spend more days together like Friday. Celebrating life -- celebrating eachother. Because it isn't living when we are without eachother.