Saturday, September 28, 2013


There are some things that John and I have to let go of... a perfectly clean house, well groomed children, stylish clothes, etc.  But one thing we do spend a little extra attention on (lately, anyway) is the food we are consuming as a family.  We've switched to almond milk as a way to cut down on the sheer volume of animal products we consume daily... we started growing our own garden in our backyard, we try to offer vegies at every meal, we buy a lot our food in the organic form if possible, I try to make things from scratch to avoid unknown additives, and we drink A LOT of spinach and blueberry smoothies.  **superfoods**
Spinach from our garden.
Superfood smoothie

Picking fresh strawberries with our neighbors at a local berry farm

I got an ice cream maker for Mother's Day.  Because homemade ice cream makes me a better (and happier) mom.
*side note:  it is very difficult to find ice cream, these days, that doesn't have CORN SYRUP as an ingredient.  Just iced cream, please.

Our days in pictures...

Four kids.  It feels like a lot more than three.  Life is crazy busy with a house full of little people.  It's been hard to keep up with the blog.  And I really want to.  I want to, not for your sake, but for mine.
  Days blur by so fast, I'm afraid I'm not going to remember - remember the mess, the sticky floors, the things the boys did when they had a moment to themselves, the cute way Mathias looks in his helmet, the way Belle smells when she wakes up, the busy joy that surrounds the three boys as they play together, the way they stick together on a bike ride, the quiet way they play cars on the floor, the millions of meals I made, the days where I didn't shower until 'nap time,' all of it -- the wonderfully exhausting life I get to enjoy. 
It's all going so fast.  And I try to savor it by snapping pictures as often as I can, hoping that someday I can go back and give thanks for the moments that are hard to give thanks for now.  Hoping I can go back and enjoy the moments that pass too quickly today. 
Because one day my house will be clean and quiet.  One day.  And I will sit quiet and give Praise again for God's hand in the mess.  For His grace in spite of my messy attempts at parenting.  For the privilege of being a mom to these beautiful people.  For the honor of being my husband's best friend and partner. For the freedom to homeschool.  For the big light-filled house we call our home.  For the love that is so rich in our home during this season. Praise.  Praise to God, from whom all blessings flow.