Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Winter Daze

Jonesing for golf leads to this....

Micah got to decorate his own cookie!  I should have thought that one through.
 5 year check up for Malachi.

 3 year check up!
 Skype with the Johnsons in Thailand.
 Having friends over makes some of the sweetest memories.

 Family games.  Mathias ROCKS Jenga.  Beats us all every time.  Seriously.
 My skinny rock star.
 The flu hit our house and Mom turned into a germ nati.
 Quiet reading time...

 Malachi and Mathias took a soccer class together.

 Wednesday Family Group sledding fun!

 Forever friendships being cultivated...
 Valentines Day treats from Auntie Anna!!
 Dad and Micah building snowmen!
 Playtime in front of the fire...
 Wrestle-mania.  Every. Day.
 Walking on the frozen lake.  Making it across the frozen lake without falling on your butt is a real sign of man-hood.
 A much needed walk around the neighborhood!

 More man-ly dares.  Yes, there were some falls and bruises after this.
 Mathias was smart enough to stay off the ice most of the time.

 Valentines Day.  Each child got six or seven hearts with things that Daddy and I love and appreciate about them.  We announced each one at dinner and they got to place their hearts by their names... A new tradition.
 Oh How He Loves Us!  This boy has got animation, personality and heart.
 He makes me laugh everyday.
 Sledding down the ice river.  Fun!
 They took turns pushing each other.
 More soccer class...
 More laughing...
 Out to dinner family night.
 Lego-tastic creations.

 More wrestle-mania...

 More homeschool mess...
 Outside time, no matter what the temp.
 My life.
 My girl.  I'm smitten.
 Daddy and Mathias, looking at golf magazines.
 One finger in the mouth... it's how she rolls.
 Boys love to hang on, sit on, jump on, roll on, lay on, and wrestle their daddy.
 My grandma, Jane and me.
 My mini-me.  :)
 Her beautiful toes.
 Hair cut Monday!
 Lots of YMCA time.
 Ladder training...
 I catch moments like this and I KNOW they like each other.
 The boys got presents like this for Easter... wrapped in white.
 Walks with mama... with matching red noses.
 Belle's Easter Dress