Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sick Day

Mathias is WALKING! and he's thrilled about it! He's so fun to watch... he wobbles back and forth and his face beams. he's so pleased with himself.

Micah and Malachi have been playing together so nicely... they found some boots for Sammy that fit him perfectly. He IS, of course, part of the family.

see how nicely they play togther... sitting on top of the toybox so mathias can't get in. Oh, and that is Micah taunting him with, "that's a good try, Mathias."

When none of us are feeling good, it's a day to bundle up with blankets, lay around, read some books, watch some videos, and enjoy some true "down time."

DIY weekend

..and this was the result!

some old christmas pics....

These are just some old Christmas pictures... Uncle Thomas' visit and, of course, Malachi playing football.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Boys will be boys -- and brothers will be friends

Micah and Malachi have been getting along really well lately. They make up games and stories to act out. They wrestle, play "doggie," play "hutball," fight, and wrestle some more. They are completly different and jealous of each other, and then in the next minute, they are best friends, making a fort together under the table.

They are brothers. It's an relationship never know. I'll only observe it, as an outsider.

So, I'll just continue to chronicle my findings here. (-wink-)

This is a pre-nap wrestle.

After dinner, we turned up the music and I took this video of the boys.... uh... dancing? (it's about three minutes long...)

Micah and Malachi, reading at the Library.

Mathias just crawls on top of Micah and Malachi to join in the brotherly brawls.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Micah's growing up

When i asked Micah what he wanted most for Christmas... he said a shaving kit. So, he got one. And he loves to shave... especially with Daddy.

Micah is slowly entering the "boy" stage. The REAL boy stage. Where he tries to connect with Daddy every chance he gets, and disconnect from mom every chance he gets. I don't mean that he doesn't want me around. It's just that, things that used to make him adore me, he now loathes. Such as: bragging about him to people, getting down on one knee to embrace when I pick him up from school, and being silly in public (like skipping through Sam's club singing "Lions and tigers and bears, oh-my!")

Oh my. I'm not ready for this. I'm struggling to find new ways to connect with him. Teaching him at home helps. Because it gives us a "shared interest." We can study science or social studies and talk about his ideas and things that interest him.

But this "boy" thing is what I dreaded -- when laying on that table, belly exposed, and the doctor looked at the fuzzy black and white screen and announced "it's a boy!"

Boy? I don't know anything about boys!

But until now, it hasn't been so bad. I can throw a ball, and can hang out in forts and can even wrestle around on the ground. But that was KID stuff. This is BOY stuff. And no matter what I can "do," I'm not a boy. And so I don't fit in. And Dr. James Dobson, in "Bringing up Boys," says that this is a good thing. and necessary thing. He is a boy. And one day a man.

and I will forever be "mom." Unashamedly embracing, and embarrassing, mom.